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  psych bytes
February 2002

This guided imagery for relaxation was taken from the book, Guided Imagery for Groups by Andrew E. Schwartz. This book contains 50 visualizations that promote relaxation, problem solving, creativity, and well-being. There is a discussion of the value of these guided images and some basic information on relaxation techniques and their usefulness to relieve stress. Guided imagery is a tool in managing stress, changing attitudes, unleashing creativity, improving the ability to relax and activating an individual’s capacity for self healing. The following guided imagery is for relaxation. You can make a tape recording of it to use when you want to reduce stress and promote relaxation.
Joyce Parker, Ph.D.

To begin, just feel the surface upon which your body rests…
Allow this surface to support you completely…

As you rest securely in your surroundings, feel your body giving way
Gently to relaxation… ever so slowly and gently…
Allow yourself to relax and your eyes to close…

Pause 5 seconds

Focus now on any remaining tension in your body…
And think of your tension as a sheet of ice covering a lake…

The cold, frozen surface blocks you from feeling the warmth and
Energy within you…

Pause 5 seconds

As the warm days of spring pass,
In your mind the ice begins to soften and melt…
And as the sun’s warmth increases…
The ice begins to recede from the shore…

The icy-cold water becomes free of its rigid covering…
And begins to loosen and relax
As it soaks up the warmth of the sun…

Pause 5 seconds

Feel your own icy tension recede and melt away…
Leaving a warm, calm relaxed body of water…
Open to the sun’s soothing rays.

Pause 5 seconds

You are relaxed and refreshed…
And in a moment you will open your eyes…

Pause 5 seconds

As you feel the warmth spread, prepare to awaken completely…
Bringing back a feeling of relaxation and refreshment.

Recall the free, flowing movement of the open water…
And notice your steady breathing…
And the free flowing of your mind as you begin to awaken…

Take a few moments now to enjoy how relaxed and refreshed your feel…
And then open your eyes.

Guided Imagery for Groups, Scripts for Calming, Chapter 5, page 48.

The author of this article, and founder of the website, Joyce Parker, passed away in 2011. To honor her we are keeping her articles posted at this website.

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